

Zsaqwes8 Offline
#1 Posted : 8 years ago

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When in online mode songs don't play until I reopen the app after every song and wait 5 seconds. Also sometimes when the songs actually play it will randomly skip to a different song halfway through and sometimes get stuck. Offline mode works fine.
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#2 Posted : 8 years ago
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Looking into it. Will check error logs and will get back to you.
Thank you.

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#3 Posted : 8 years ago
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Did you have streaming issues while Folder Scan was running or it was Idle?
Thank you.

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Zsaqwes8 Offline
#4 Posted : 8 years ago

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Hey thanks for taking a look and sorry for not responding.
This would happen when folder scan was not in progress, and even if I was on the same wifi on both android and desktop.
Recently I have made it so muzecast on android preloads 100 songs or whatever, and so far I have not had any issues listening to a certain playlist, except when I select a different playlist and start listening right away.
Fenhalls Offline
#5 Posted : 7 years ago

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In online mode 2 days ago this happened on one of my HDX tablets:

1) Listening to an album, a track stopped halfway through and skipped to the next track. I tried the track a few more times and this behavior was repeated.

2) On the next album nothing would play and the player simply cycled through the tracks.

3) The app froze and the tablet "black-screened" and the only thing I could do was perform a soft reset of the device.

4) The next day the tracks played normally.

Earlier today playing a playlist, I skipped a few tracks and the track I was playing froze around halfway through and returned to the start. The app again froze and the tablet black-screened. Once more I was forced to perform a soft reset of the device.

Incidentally, in the two years I've had these two tablets I've never before had to carry out a soft reset because of a black screen.
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#6 Posted : 7 years ago
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Please let me know what Streaming quality you are set?
1. Is it Original with FLAC support?
2. If not Original, do you have OGG (Vorbis) checked ON?
3. If OGG (Vorbis) is not checked ON, what Algorithm is selected? Is it VBR or CBR?
4. Is ExoPlayer checked ON in Streaming Settings? If yes, Checked it OFF.

What artwork quality is set?
Was your tablet connected via WiFi or LTE? if by LTE, were you doing any heavy downloads or uploads on your computer? (QoS might limit or interrupt streaming if there is an active long download or upload by other apps on Computer).

How much free space you have available for caching? Preferable that you have at least 512 MB of free space available.

Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
Fenhalls Offline
#7 Posted : 7 years ago

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Originally, the first time I had problems, the app was set for optimal quality and file size. The second time it was set for highest quality but without FLAC support (the original files are ALAC). Apparently OGG was checked at least the second time and perhaps also the first but somehow I think not. Variable has also been selected (definitely on the second occasion and perhaps on the first also). ExoPlayer was not selected on either occasion. there is 31582 MB currently available on the device. That last would have been little different on both occasions. The tablet was connected by WiFi. Nothing else was happening on either occasion. I suspect that I might have seen it, but at present I have no idea how to locate the artwork quality option.

Incidentally my preferred option is highest quality without FLAC support. I usually choose CBR over VBR because you mentioned something about the ability to seek being compromised with VBR. I have no idea what "optimal quality" means. If you could advise on the best sound quality option, I would be grateful.


Thinking on, I can't be absolutely sure that I was using the same tablet (the other is identical in pretty much every way including space available), but I think so.

Edited by user 7 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

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#8 Posted : 7 years ago
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I would recommend the following settings while you are on WiFi:
1. Streaming Quality - Original and enable FLAC support. For kindle I would not go over 24/96. It might not support it.
2. OGG (Vorbis) checked ON.
3. Algorithm - VBR (preferred for OGG), Seek will be supported. OGG does not have issues with seek. It is mostly for MP3.
4. ExoPlayer checked OFF;
5. Seekable Checked ON - it might delay playback start for lossless (FLAC or lossless ALAC) files because it has to generate seekable FLAC. Usually delay is no longer than 5 seconds.

If you do not want FLAC support, you can unselect it to No FLAC support. In that case all streaming will be done in OGG, even for original, unless your original file is MP3. In that case MP3 will be sent to your device.

Artwork quality is located in User Interface settings of Muzecast. Preferred - Medium quality because higher quality will eat a lot of memory.

Regarding Artwork delay (slow display) - I will publish an update in a very near future to get artwork directly from your computer. Currently it queries Muzecast Central Server (trip from Your Country to USA) where call checks if it is cached in Muzecast database. If not, Muzecast Central Server will try to get it from your computer (trip back from USA to Your Country) and your computer sends artwork to Muzecast Central Server (another trip from Your Country to USA). Then it cached and sent to your device (and yet another trip from USA to Your Country). As you see that are lot of trips, and I am going to change it to the following:

Device will query artwork, it will directly ask your computer for artwork (local WiFi call). While your computer searches your files for artwork, it will ask Muzecast Central Server if you have custom Artwork for Artist or Album (trip from Your Country to USA). If you do not have custom artwork, it will send found artwork from your computer to your device (WiFi trip). It will speed up artwork display.
Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
Fenhalls Offline
#9 Posted : 7 years ago

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"If you do not want FLAC support, you can unselect it to No FLAC support. In that case all streaming will be done in OGG, even for original, unless your original file is MP3. In that case MP3 will be sent to your device."

I did set the devices up for FLAC originally, but I was concerned about the space requirements. I have understood that it caches in the same format and quality. I realise that there are "download quality" options, but I imagined that they were to do with downloads and not caching. It could easily be that I've misinterpreted things. I did try streaming without caching but was unable to seek. Could you possibly confirm one way or the other about this? Thanks.

Artwork quality is currently set to medium.

You mentioned the "kindle". The HDXs were a whole other ballgame. I wouldn't give the new Fire devices houseroom. I'm currently looking for replacements. However there is so little out there as regards Android. Samsungs have such a rotten reputation in all kinds of ways. New Asus tablets have just been announced. I might give that brand a whirl.

Many thanks for getting back to me so promptly. It might not seem so but I'm actually really enjoying Muzecast. It's a tad eccentric perhaps, but I like eccentric. That's exactly why I'm not an Apple fan. It's all too clean and nice for my tastes.

Oh, and many thanks about the artwork business. I'm actually used to it now. That's me all over. I'll complain like the dickens at the outset, but then I rapidly become accustomed and give up worrying about any flaws.

Edited by user 7 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

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#10 Posted : 7 years ago
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Yes, I meant Fire Tablet. I got used to call all Amazon by Kindle (somehow). :)

There is a separate quality settings for Streaming and downloading. Streaming is for temporary caching song on device. Downloading, is to permanently store song on the device until you remove it.

Caching is using up to 50% of Free space. For example if you have 20 GB free, Muzecast will try to use up to 10 GB for caching and will keep it up to 10GB unless your store something else on your tablet and Muzecast will reduce its own cache size to let more free space on device.
Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
Fenhalls Offline
#11 Posted : 7 years ago

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Ah, OK, I understand now. I was treating them as the same thing as they end up in the same place. I also had questions about cache size, but that explanation of yours about the self-limiting nature of the cache answers them perfectly.

I do wish, though, one had the option to delete downloaded files separately. It would make the business so much easier.

But I shall use FLAC from here on in for streaming thanks to your excellent advice.

Fenhalls Offline
#12 Posted : 7 years ago

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This is an update:

1) I am now streaming in FLAC.

2) Last night playing a playlist offline (cached earlier in the day) one of the tracks refused to play past a certain point when I tried to skip a couple of minutes within the track by sliding the slider on the progress bar. However, the track played normally when I just allowed it to play normally. Much of the art had not been cached along with the music.

I'm not going to use the app to play music offline, at least as things stand, for the following reasons:

1) It is impossible, at least as far as I can ascertain, to differentiate between downloaded and cached tracks. Whenever the cache was reduced or deleted, you'd never be quite sure what you had left.

2) Album art doesn't for the most part download.

3) Various issues such as the one above.

4) Downloaded music only plays in the Muzecast player.

5) Individual albums that have been downloaded cannot at present be deleted.

6) It's not much more difficult for me to take a number of albums, convert them via EZ CD Audio Converter and then download them to my tablets. That way, I know what I've got, art is always there, music is going to play without any hiccups, I can choose how to play them and I can add or delete at will.

As a music streamer, Muzecast is as far as I can see easily the best thing around and I shall certainly continue to use it regularly. As far as I am concerned the money I paid for the premium player (absolutely necessary if you want to use the program properly) was well worth it. It's easily one of the best apps I've ever purchased. It's actually one of the kind of things that you imagine would entail a monthly fee.

Edited by user 7 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

Fenhalls Offline
#13 Posted : 7 years ago

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I hadn't used the player much for a couple of days. Yesterday, I tried it with an album that has just been ripped by me with album art scanned and attached. I encountered the same problems as before: tracks not completing, freezing app, black screen.
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#14 Posted : 7 years ago
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Could you check error log on your device for Muzecast.

To check error log go to: Muzecast Settings->About->Error Logs.
Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
Fenhalls Offline
#15 Posted : 7 years ago

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Which particular error log do you want me to investigate?

Each time this has happened I have changed tracks from the playlist on the now playing screen (no idea what it's called). Perhaps that has something to do with it. Also, I can't help but think that the program is being affected by this artwork business. It seems to do an awful lot of searching and with over a thousand albums in my library...

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#16 Posted : 7 years ago
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Once you open Muzecast, slide from left to open drawer. There is Settings item at the bottom of the list.
Once you open Settings, scroll down to the end and select item "About"
In the list there is Error Log.

There is a latest version published: 7.3.0 which has some Artwork improvements. Web search is not happening if it is disabled in Muzecast Streaming Server.
Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
Fenhalls Offline
#17 Posted : 7 years ago

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There was one error yesterday at 8:20 pm. Something to do with a 500 "internal Service error" and artwork and a
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#18 Posted : 7 years ago

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BTW, I neglected to mention that the last couple of times this happened to me I was in offline mode.
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#19 Posted : 7 years ago
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Ok. I will test using my First Gen Kindle Fire tablet in Offline Mode to see if I could re-create this issue.
Thank you.

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