Version 4.2.6. Released 7/7/2014
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) - Faster internal database build time (Build Step);
Version 4.2.5. Released 7/4/2014
Fix: Force Service to restart in case of authentication failed to generate new security token;
Version 4.2.4. Released 6/18/2014
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) fixed music fingerprint recognition algorithm to improve folder scan performance;
Version 4.2.3. Released 6/16/2014
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) fixed scan stops while performing indexing and fails to process one corrupted file;
Version 4.2.2. Released 6/15/2014
Rollback: Rolled back automatic genre fix;
Version 4.2.1. Released 6/14/2014
New: New option in Configurator “General” tab to control Folder Scan feature to include folders found in Playlists;
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) - Improved timing recognizing new, changed or deleted tracks;
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) - Fixed issue not recognizing moved folder;
Fix: Folder Scan (libscan.exe) – Improved performance for the step, which matches CUE sheets with disk image file (Aggregation step);
Fix: Configurator – Reading total number of songs available as soon as database is available to show true count how many songs are available for playback;
Version 4.2.0. Released 6/8/2014
New: Support for editing or deleting users on Security Tab of HomeDJ Configurator;
Fix: Installer ensures that installation folder is fully accessible for HomeDJ processes;
Version 4.1.9. Released 6/2/2014
Fix: Fixed issue streaming song when ReplayGain was not yet collected;
Fix: Fixed issue with accessing NAS files with error: invalid user name or password;
Version 4.1.8. Released 5/30/2014
Fix: Fixed memory leak when accessing songs located on the network;
Fix: Fixed issues under Windows XP when accessing files located on the network;
Version 4.1.7. Released 5/22/2014
Fix: Fixed database update timeout errors.
Fix: Fixed connection timeout errors.
Version 4.1.6. Released 5/6/2014
Fix: Fixed minor reported bugs.
Version 4.1.5. Released 5/4/2014
Performance Improvement: Improved performance of Analysis during Folder scan.
Version 4.1.4. Released 5/1/2014
Fix: Reduced priority for background processes, such as ReplayGain analyzer, Music Fingerprint builder, Folder Scanning process, Music Analyzer. Reduced priority helps to keep computer giving more resources to a user when user needs computer for other tasks and pausing for a brief moment low priority HomeDJ tasks.
Fix: Reduced number of steps for Folder scanner to recognize new songs, therefor improving performance of Folder scanner.
Version 4.1.3. Released 4/27/2014
Fix: Reduced Replay Gain Analyzer memory utilization.
Version 4.1.2. Released 4/26/2014
Fix: Replay Gain value was not properly converted using user's Culture.
Version 4.1.0. Released 4/25/2014
New: Volume normalization also called Replay Gain. It is ON all the time and scan will run in the background to analyze each song peak volume. HomeDJ Streamer version 4.3.0 and up will display Replay Gain in dB in the Player “Led” bar. If song have not been analyzed yet and requested to be streamed, it will be analyzed on a fly, which would make song playback startup time a little longer. But once it is analyzed, it will start as usual.
Please Note: Clear Cached and Downloaded songs in Android HomeDJ Streamer to remove songs, which were cached or downloaded prior to this release to have these songs volume to be normalized and cached with new volume.
Fix: Folder Scan stop/start.
Version 4.0.2. Released 3/25/2014
Fix: Fixed communication error 411.
Version 4.0.0 - 4.0.1. Released 2/24/2014
New: Saves playlists in M3U and WPL formats on PC to be played or imported to various Music Player, such as Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, WinAmp and other. Playlists are saved per HomeDJ user. Creation of multiple users for HomeDJ will be added in future releases of HomeDJ Desktop Software. Playlist location folder can be configured in HomeDJ Configurator in Music Folders tab.
NewPlaylist item will be streamed if song is part of CUE sheet and has to be extracted from Disk Image. HomeDJ Streaming Server must be running and hosting service on configured port. This option can be turned off in General configuration of HomeDJ Configurator.
Version 3.8.2. Released 2/21/2014
Fix: Under Windows XP HomeDJ Service startup was timing out.
Fix: Minor issues with logging.
Version 3.8.1. Released 2/15/2014
Fix: Library scanner was restarting in the indefinite loop when all configured folders were not found.
Version 3.8.0. Released 2/5/2014
New: Configurable algorithm for artwork search if Artwork not found in the Song Tag. Use HomeDJ Configurator tab: “Artwork” to enable or disable steps in Artwork search sequence;
Version 3.7.14. Released 1/26/2014
Fix: Fixed issue with Auto Update failing to restart HomeDJ Server.
Version 3.7.13. Released 1/22/2014
Fix: Minor bug fixes with connectivity in some clients environments.
Fix: Fixes desktop software startup timeouts.
Version 3.7.11. Released 1/11/2014
Fix: Minor fixes in Analysis data update logic.
Version 3.7.9. Released 1/10/2014
Fix: Fixed music fingerprint generation for music files located on Network Attached Storage.
Version 3.7.8. Released 1/8/2014
Fix: Improved songs selection when creating a MIX Playlist.
Version 3.7.6/7. Released 1/5/2014
Fix: Reduced even more memory utilization used by Folder Scan;
Fix: Minor bug fix for Preview songs cleanup;
Version 3.7.5. Released 1/4/2014
Fix: Better support for Network Attached Storage;
Fix: Minor bug fixes;
Version 3.7.4. Released 1/1/2014
Fix: Reduced memory utilization used by Folder Scan;
Version 3.7.3. Released 12/31/2013
Fix: Fixed connection stability;
Fix: Fixed sampling rate for Preview files;
Version 3.7.0. Released 12/27/2013
New: System tray icon to show status of HomeDJ Server and with flashing light show if streaming is in progress;
New: 2 modes to run server: When user logged on or when computer boots and user is not logged on;
Fix: Improved connection stability;
Version 3.6.1. Released 12/17/2013
Fix: Fixed permission issues with Folder Scanning not starting up;
Version 3.6.0. Released 12/12/2013
Fix: Configurator was not saving Scan mode and always was set to “Fast”;
Fix: Occasional failure to update database while scanning folders;
New: Stop scan button in Configurator available for all tabs next to the scan progress bar;
New: Support for FLAC Streaming. Would require new version of HomeDJ Player (3.12.0);
New: Support for new Audio quality “Extreme” for OGG and MP3 streaming. OGG would be streamed at 480 kbps rate and MP3 would be streamed in 320 kbps rate;
New: Support to send native MP3 files without transcoding;
New: New audio transcoding sequence and options to improve sound quality and transcoding performance;
New: Reduced resource utilization while performing Folder Scan;
Version 3.5.0. Released 12/4/2013
Fix: Removed dependency on Music Fingerprinting Service which went out of business.
New: New algorithm for music fingerprinting and analysis;
New: Option to enable/disable Web artwork lookup.
New: Option to enable/disable Artist and Album missing tag resolution using folder structure;
New: Music Folder Scan utility will use existing Analysis and fingerprinting if they were created using MusicIP Mixer;
New: Uninstall process will clean up HomeDJ folder removing all settings and temporary files;
Version 3.4.7. Released 10/22/2013
Fix: Fixed bug in Folder Scanning not setting song duration properly for some files.
Version 3.4.6. Released 10/11/2013
Fix: File transcoding now will not use “converter.exe” file and that file has been removed. After update file still be in the HomeDJ folder, but new installs will not have this file.
Version 3.4.5. Released 9/29/2013
Fix: Fixes for Playlist import for users who has thousands of playlists.
Fix: Better support for streaming for older computers.
Version 3.4.4. Released 9/1/2013
Fix: Minor fix while streaming in Proxy Mode.
Version 3.4.3. Released 8/31/2013
Fix: Signed executables and installation files with Certificate.
Fix: Fixed Streaming Only mode in direct connection mode.
Version 3.4.2. Released 8/25/2013
Fix: Removed genpuid.exe.
Version 3.4.0. Released 8/2/2013
New: Support for Song 30 seconds audio preview. Preview is generated and stored locally for music files, which have CUE files. Any other audio preview is generated on a fly. Audio preview is available in HomeDJ Streamer/Player version 3.8.0 and above.
Version 3.3.5. Released 7/8/2013
Fix: Fixed Setup package to support computers where there are no C: drive.
Fix: Minor connectivity fixes.
Version 3.3.4. Released 7/5/2013
New: About tab in HomeDJ Configurator.
Fix: Freezes when closing HomeDJ Configurator.
Fix: Error while resolving Artwork over the Web.
Version 3.3.3. Released 6/27/2013
Fix: Using multiple sources to resolve user external IP address.
Version 3.3.2. Released 6/27/2013
Fix: Fixed connection error when user computer name has Unicode characters.
Version 3.3.1. Released 6/27/2013
Fix: Error while streaming file in Proxy Mode.
Version 3.3.0. Released 6/26/2013
Fix: Fix Folder Scanner to generate unique case insensitive file names.
Fix: Load artwork will search image which matches song file name first. If not found - check ID3TAG data. If not found in Tag, search folder where music file is located in order: folder.jpg -> if not found -> cover.jpg -> not found -> any jpg file in the folder -> not found -> search Web.
Version 3.2.7. Released 6/17/2013
Fix: Minor connectivity issues fixed.
Version 3.2.6. Released 6/16/2013
Fix: Did not recognize songs with extension in upper case, like .MP3 or .FLAC. Run Library scan after Update if you had this issue.
Version 3.2.5. Released 6/7/2013
New: Added support for MPC files playback.
Version 3.2.2. Released 5/16/2013
Fix: Library Scan failed to analyze causing songs not to be recognized to create dynamic playlist (MIX) based on selected song.
Fix: LocalWiFi mode was not working even when enabled.
Fix: Display link to Services in Configurator all the time.
Version 3.2.0. Released 5/6/2013
New: New API to import playlists in M3U or M3U8 formats. Access to imported playlist will be implemented in HomeDJ Streamer/Player version 3.5.0. To import playlist just add folder where M3U or M3U8 playlists are located.
Version 3.1.29. Released 4/26/2013
New: API to retrieve artwork for each song separately and not by song's Album.
New: Installation package gives user a choice to install HomeDJ Service under Windows Build in SystemAccount, which on some computers might not have internet access, or Create and Use MuzecastService account, which will not be blocked from Internet access.
Fix: Local IP and Gateway detection fixed.
Fix: Local IP and Gateway detection was causing crash while trying to detect connection type.
3.1.28. Released 4/24/2013
Fix: Use custom stream to support STREAM ONLY mode.
3.1.26. Released 4/12/2013
New: use of in-memory db for track information on client PC to reduce number of service calls and to improve playback startup.
Fix: Connection poling time increased to reduce timeouts.
3.1.23. Released 4/9/2013
Fix: Converted most of the services to RESTful.
Fix: Full DNS caching for all service calls.
3.1.21. Released 4/3/2013
Fix: More stable relayed connection.
3.1.18. Released 3/28/2013
Fix: Connection was slow at the first start.
Fix: Error "the remote server returned an unexpected response(417).expectation failed" is Fixed.
Fix: Reduced memory footprint for Library Scanner.
Fix: Configurator is showing public external IP address as well as Service Running status.
3.1.0. Released 3/25/2013
Fix: Folder scan was failing to recognize most of the songs on some client's Computers.
Fix: HomeDJ Service was running under SYSTEM account, which was blocked from accessing Internet on some client's Computers by Security Software.
3.0.6. Released 3/23/2013
Fix: External IP resolution.
3.0.5. Released 3/19/2013
Fix: When port changed, it was not saved.
Fix: Faster connection startup when service restarted.
3.0.1. Released 2/28/2013
Fix: Improved Streaming stability and performance.
3.0.0. Released 2/17/2013
New: Support for multiple credentials.
New: Support Network Attached Storage devices;
New: Folder browser dialog;
New: Use of Windows build in Credential Dialog;
Version 2.50.4. Released 2/15/2013
Fix: Use Folder browser dialog instead of File Browser Dialog.
Version 2.50.3. Released 2/3/2013
Fix: Connectivity issues.
Version 2.50.22. Released 1/24/2013
Fix: Cleaner installation and configuration steps.
Version 2.50.0. Released 1/5/2013
Fix: Configurator Screen layouts to support Font scaling.
Version 2.40.0. Released 10/6/2012
New: Support for different type of streaming: VBR, ABR, or CBR;
Version 2.37.0. Released 9/20/2012
Fix: faster Relay re-connection.
Version 2.30.4. Released 8/2/2012
Fix: Fixed issue with Windows Management failing to get number of CPU Cores to set up thread count.
Version 2.30.0. Released 8/1/2012
Fix: Fixed "Invalid Token" error while checking connection.
Version 2.29.0. Released 7/25/2012
Fix: Minor bug fixes in Configurator;
Fix: Minor bug fixes in Library Scanner;
Version 2.26.2. Released 7/3/2012
Fix: Reduced memory footprint for Library Scanner;
Fix: Simplified Installation Wizard;
Version 2.26.0. Released 7/1/2012
Fix: Default port changed to 8080 from 11165 because some Mobile network blocking ports other than 80, 8080, and 443.
Version 2.25.0. Released 6/25/2012
Fix: Fixed Library Scanning logging.
Version 2.24.5. Released 6/22/2012
New: Caching Web Service calls;
New: Support for Local WiFi Mode;
Version 2.22.2. Released 6/6/2012
Fix: Reduced memory utilization by HomeDJ Server.
Fix: Faster folder scan;
Version 2.17.2. Released 5/1/2012
Fix: Support for UTF-8 characters in music folder path under Windows XP.
Fix: Stop Folder Scan button did not stop the folder scan;
Version 2.16.0. Released 4/25/2012
New: Reduced file size for artwork and thumbnails.
Version 2.13.0. Released 4/1/2012
New: Files are converted using Vorbis OGG instead of MP3. Requires Android HomeDJ Player version 2.13.0 or higher.
Version 2.12.4. Released 3/29/2012
New: Support for multichannel audio files.
Version 2.12.31. Released 3/28/2012
New: Skip DRM protected WMA files during Folder scan.
Version 2.12.0. Released 3/25/2012
Fix: Quicker reconnect when connection fails.
Version 2.10.4. Released 3/16/2012
Fix: Extra thread was started on each connection retry causing Application crash.
Version 2.10.0. Released 3/12/2012
New: Dual connectivity mode: Through router using port forwarding, or without router configuration. Required Android player version 2.10.0 or greater.
Version 1.50.0. Released 12/17/2011
Fix: Fixed Artwork web lookup.
Version 1.48.3. Released 12/07/2011
Fix: Fixed "Null pointer exception" in UPnPStat.
Version 1.47.6. Released 12/03/2011
Fix: Fixed "Null pointer exception" in Library scanner making library scanner go idle.
Version 1.45.6. Released 11/19/2011
Fix: Fixed "Null pointer exception" in UPnP.
Version 1.45.4. Released 11/17/2011
Fix: Library scanner was missing analysis for some files.
Version 1.45.3. Released 11/16/2011
Fix: Better support for UPnP routers.
Version 1.44.51. Released 11/11/2011
Fix: Emergency patch. Connectivity issue when running under System Account. Error: Access Denied - has been fixed.
Version 1.44.5. Released 11/11/2011
Fix: Folder browsing dialog in Add/Remove folders changed;
Fix: Mapped network drive is expanded to UNC path while adding folder in Configurator;
Fix: Temporary folder cleanup checks file creation date instead of file last access date to delete old files;
Fix: Temporary folder cleanup deletes files, which are older than 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes;
Fix: Stop Folder Scan button was removed. Now to stop folder scanning, use System Track Icon Context Menu;
Fix: Added support for MP3 CUE sheet files. Now any file, if it has a CUE sheet named the same as a main media file, it will be processed using this CUE sheet;
New: Ability to scan library using “Full Scan" option. Please note that folder scanning in that case will take a lot longer;
New: Ability to select number of threads to be used when folder scan is performed;
New: When library folder is on mapped network drive or on Shared Folder, Configurator will prompt to enter Windows authentication Credentials, which are used to access Mapped Network drive, or shared folder. There is no need any more to configure HomeDJ Service to run under different credentials to access network folders. Instead, HomeDJ Services will continue to run under System Account, but will impersonate HomeDJ Server to run under Windows credentials provided in HomeDJ Configurator. Windows Credentials are stored locally and highly encrypted;
Version 1.43.0. Released 10/31/2011
Fix: Fixed issues with Internet Security Software, such as F-Secure, where local ip address could not be resolved because Internet Security Software was intercepting all outgoing internet traffic to itself, and local IP address was showing incorrect value: Now local IP address is resolved properly.
Version 1.42.2. Released 10/25/2011
New: Expanding Mapped Network drive to UNC Network shared folder, because Streamer is running as Service and does not have access to Mapped Network Drives;
Info: Configurator does not have access to Network shares or Mapped Network Drives during installation process. When Streamer is fully installed, Configurator, started from a shortcut will be able to access Mapped Network Drives or Network Shares to be added as library folders;
Fix: While trying to open a port, make sure it is closed;
Fix: Instead of clicking red text to Fix connection issues, button "Try to Fix" appear;
NOTE: When at least one library folder is located on the network, HomeDJ Service MUST be configured to run under Windows User Name. To Configure Service:
Open Control Panel;
Open Administrative Tools;
Double Click on Services;
Scroll to the item: HomeDJ Service;
Double-click on HomeDJ Service to bring Properties Dialog;
Select Log On tab;
Select This Account radio button;
Enter your windows user name and password. You can use Browse button to assist you.
Version 1.41.5 Released 10/21/2011
Fix: Implemented UPnP support for more routers;
Fix: Port Forwarding help messages rephrased to be more descriptive;
Version 1.40.0 Released 10/12/2011
New: Configurator main window and wizard has connection checks with more information in a box;
New: Registration Form;
Fix: GUI fix in Configurator;
Fix: More informative messages;
Version 1.39.0 Released 10/02/2011
Fix: Fixed UPnP support by adding external program to perform UPnP;
Version 1.38.6 Released 09/30/2011
New: Added support for APE, WavePak, CUE Sheets;
New: Added support for 24 bit, and 32 bit audio files;
New: Added support for 96 and 192 KHz audio files;
New: Added MixID while creating Mix;
Fix: Better Gapless support;
Fix: Changed to convert to ABR over VBR for better gapless support;
Fix: Check if firewall supported before executing UPnP call;
Version 1.34.3 Released 08/30/2011
Fix: Completely changed libscan and removed necessity to have 2 libraries;
Fix: Full support for UTF-8 File path and names;
Info: Obfuscation with Crypto;
Version 1.32.5 Released 08/19/2011
Fix: Only allowed ASCII chars in music root folder;
Fix: Fixed logic in libscan to separate by folders to properly generate album ID;
Fix: Fixed reflection problems with obfuscation;
Version 1.23.2 Released 06/14/2011
New: Initial release to public;
New: Code Obfuscated;
Fix: Changed algorithm of Artwork search on Google;
Version 1.3.1b Released 01/25/2011
New: Throttling uploads to 1 mbit/s;
New: Caching Artwork on User's Home computer;
Version 1.1.2b Released 01/11/2011
Initial Beta release;
Edited by user 10 years ago
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