First of all, you're the man for making this software. I've been thinking about alternatives to (the overrated) Spotify since my old iAudio died and Muzecast seems to do the trick very well. As a matter of fact, I'm on the verge of buying the pro version but I would like to ask a couple of questions about the shuffle feature before I go ahead and do that. Hopefully you can help me out.
1. I love to shuffle all my music and add to the queue on the fly, so for example add 5 songs and then resume the shuffled playlist. So is there a way to add songs/albums to the queue when using
shuffle all? The option
Play Next would be ideal, but seems not to work when shuffling all music.
2. It would be neat if that feature also worked the other way around. So for example, I'm leaving for work and choose to play 5 songs that I want to hear immediately. Afterwards I'd want to hear my music shuffled again, so ideally I would press a
shuffle all menu and use
Play Next. That way I wouldn't have to take out my phone after the 5th song to start the shuffle, but unfortunately that menu seems to be absent.
Am I missing these features or are they not implemented? These are features I use regularly at home in Winamp, it would be awesome to also take those features on the road!
Thanks in advance for the help,
Edit: I suspect
shuffle all works differently than regular queues, is that correct? Because I tried to play all my albums and it wouldn't work because of a cap of 1000 songs, but using
shuffle all Muzecast has no issue playing 1000+ songs. Thanks again!
Edited by user 7 years ago
| Reason: Not specified