

Muzecast Support Offline
Posted : Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:40:13 AM(UTC)
HomeDJ Streamer/Player Streaming is implemented using 2 techniques:

  1. Playback song while it is cached to the device local storage;
  2. Playback song by streaming directly from home computer without saving this song to the device local storage.

When song is saved locally while streaming, it can be played in OFFLINE mode and repetative plays of this song will not download this song anymore, and playback will use locally stored copy of the song. If there is no more space left to cache the song, older cached songs will be removed to free up space to cache another song. By default Cache is using 60% of free space currently available on the device. If cached content is going over 60% of available space on the device, it will remove cached songs to go below of 60% free space utilization.

Let's say you have 1000MB of free space on your device sdcard. Cache will use only 600 MB. If you store anything on that sdcard, let's say photos, and free space is now 500Mb, HomeDJ will remove songs to free up 300 Mb.

You have several options to configure Cache behavior:

  1. Location
  2. Songs to preload
  3. Clear Cache
  4. Clear Artwork Cache
  5. Space Used
  6. Disable Cache

If you have more than one sdcard attached to your device you can select which sdcard to use for Caching. By default, HomeDJ selects sdcard with most storage and most free space.

Songs to preload
As pointed out above, HomeDJ downloads song to device local storage while this song is played. Using this option you can configure how many songs to download ahead. For example you have 10 songs in the play queue and currently playing song #1. If this option set to 3 songs ahead, then song #1, #2, #3, and #4 will be downloaded while song #1 is playing. When HomeDJ will start playing song #2, song #5 will start downloading.

Clear Cache
By clicking on this item you can remove all cached songs from your local device;

Clear Artwork Cache
Artwork is cached on your home computer in <HomeDJ folder>\Artwork. You can click this Settings item to delete all artwork, which was cached on your home computer. Also it will delete all cached artwork from your Android device.

Space Used
This item displays how many songs were cached and how much space cached songs are using.

Disable Cache
When this option is turned ON, songs will not be cached on your Android device, but instead will be directly streamed/played from your home computer. Cache is disabled automatically, when you do not have enough storage to cache songs on your Android device. Minimum storage requirement is 20 Mb.

Click this line to see complete list of settings.

Edited by user Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:57:46 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Thank you.

Muzecast Support.
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